Dorota Rautiainen Author

Dorota Rautiainen is an experienced strategist with ample experience in employer branding and digital marketing. As Chief Client Partner, she works with clients from across Europe and the world and oversees activities across the entire German client base. Dorota is an expert for international approaches to digital solutions in employer branding, strategic planning and brand implementation. She knows what it takes to work in a truly global setting while not neglecting local and cultural needs. Before she joined Radancy, Dorota gained comprehensive knowledge around job seekers’ behavior when she headed a team of researchers in a Swedish employer brand consultancy.

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Helping Dell Technologies Reach for the Moon

Data-Driven Intelligence, Employer Branding, End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 3598

Dell Technologies’ Social Impact Plan for 2030 defined four “Moonshot Goals” that they want to achieve by the end of the decade. With a successful partnership than spans...

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