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[HR] Technology during socioeconomic peaks and valleys

Trends| Views: 2121

At least 3 things happen with technology during paradigm shifts like the one we’re in: New socioeconomic challenges and behaviors lead to brand new innovations, technologies...

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The Scoop: Recruitment Trends & Industry Insights | May 2020

Trends| Views: 8341

Here is your May guide to the latest in recruitment trends, technology, and industry insights. As we continue to adjust to working and socializing from our homes, there is an...

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How to discover unconventional ways to maximize budget and connect with candidates

Employer Branding, End-to-End Engagement, Trends| Views: 1902

For all that has happened, we know one simple truth: when a retailer is open, the hourly employees are essential. They provide the smile upon entry, the helpful voice when we...

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The Scoop: Recruitment Trends & Industry Insights | April 2020

Trends| Views: 7645

Here is your April guide to the latest in recruitment trends, technology, and industry insights. With what is happening in the world today, our attention is currently fixed on...

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On Employer Branding in a crisis: the implications of what you do now

Employer Branding, Trends| Views: 2375

How you respond to Covid-19 depends how seriously you take it. This is not a blip. It is not something to be dealt with using remedial measures. For some period of time, we have...

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