Craig Knutson Author

As VP of Creative Technology, Craig is a driving force behind the development, implementation, and education of Radancy’s interactive and digital offerings.

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The Future of Recruiting Automation: Conference Recap and Takeaways

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Entelo held its first Recruiting Automation Summit in San Francisco on June 14. The event hosted conversations and discussions from experts in talent acquisitions, data analytics,...

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Facebook F8 Conference Highlights – A Recruitment Marketing Perspective

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Facebook’s 2018 F8 Developer Conference took place May 1-2 in San Jose, California – a two-day forum full of learning and discovery as Facebook showcased their new tools...

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What We Learned About the #FutureofWork from SXSW 2017

Trends| Views: 2948

From artificial intelligence and conversational chat bots to VR and diversity hiring apps, Craig Knutson from TMP Worldwide’s Innovation Lab recaps the emerging trends defining...

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