Kevin Regan Author

Kevin Regan, Vice President of Digital Strategy, is responsible for driving digital innovation across the Radancy client base. A veteran of the company for over 15 years, Kevin brings a wealth of experience and knowledge on driving effective strategies for Radancy clients.

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The Scoop: Recruitment Trends & Industry Insights | June 2023

Trends| Views: 40105

Here is your June guide to the latest trends impacting the world of work. Every month, we provide perspective on the biggest news affecting the industry and explain what to expect...

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Improving Your Employee Referral Program

Data-Driven Intelligence, Employee Engagement, End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 3160

The State of Employee Referral Programs Today Your Employee Referral Program should be your number one source of hires for your company. In today’s competitive job market, with...

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