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One Platform, One Mission: Reinventing Global Talent Acquisition

In the competitive landscape of global talent acquisition, organizations must evolve to not only attract but retain the finest minds from around the world. To achieve this, a holistic platform that encapsulates a comprehensive talent attraction strategy is not a luxury – it’s a necessity.

Understanding the Global Talent Pool

The global workforce is diverse, and the expectations of potential candidates vary widely across different cultures. To attract talent globally, companies must create localized candidate experiences that not only resonant with cultural norms but are also genuine and mission driven. Research consistently shows that global talent is increasingly drawn to a company’s mission and purpose. Hence, a company’s messaging must transcend the basics of what the company does; it must clearly communicate why it does it and how it does it in a way that aligns with the candidate’s values and cultural context.

Challenges in Global Talent Acquisition

Crafting and maintaining resonant EVPs is resource-intensive and challenging due to the need for uniqueness and relevance across different global markets. Standing out in a digital world inundated with content requires significant effort. Moreover, siloed Global Talent Ecosystems and the pressure for immediate hiring results often sideline strategic long-term planning.

Cultural Audits and Empathy Mapping

To tailor the approach to different cultures, cultural audits and empathy mapping are essential. They help identify regional candidate personas and the number of variations needed to connect effectively with each culture.

One Platform: The Keystone of Modern Talent Attraction

The cornerstone of an effective talent attraction strategy in today’s global market is a unified platform. One Platform serves as the digital nexus for all the tools and technologies required to captivate and engage potential candidates. This central hub ensures that the right content is distributed through the optimal channels at the precise moments that matter, thereby enhancing the candidate journey from initial interest to final onboarding.

Technology Solutions Within One Platform

Within One Platform, various integrated technology solutions play pivotal roles:

CRM for Candidate Engagement

A robust Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) tool is tailored for talent acquisition. This system sustains engagement through personalized communication, ensuring that candidates receive tailored emails throughout the recruitment process. This continuous dialogue keeps candidates informed, interested and responsive, fostering a sense of personal connection with the company.

Programmatic Strategies for Brand Presence

Programmatic banners and messages are leveraged to maintain brand visibility. As potential candidates navigate the web, strategic advertising ensures that the employer’s brand remains at the forefront, nudging candidates toward considering a career with the company. This consistent brand presence plays a crucial role in converting passive interest into active pursuit.

Optimized Candidate Journey

The platform ensures that each stage of the candidate journey – attract, inform, interview/apply and new-hire onboarding – is optimized with impactful content and messaging. By deploying the right content at the right time and place, the platform enhances the overall branded candidate experience, making each interaction with the company meaningful and memorable.

Actionable EVPs

EVPs are no longer just value statements; they illustrate the tangible, unique and meaningful experiences an employee can expect. These need to be compelling, authentic and engaging, supported by a strong global infrastructure that ensures seamless candidate experiences. Companies must balance the immediate hiring needs with the long-term strategy, facilitated by agile, globally led but locally fed teams.

The EVP activation framework is akin to an equity pyramid. At the apex is the company’s North Star – the core purpose. It addresses the fundamental questions: Who are you, and what are you all about? Next, it connects the candidate’s potential impact toward this purpose, answering: How do I fit in, and what is the significance of my work? It showcases the compelling experiences employees can expect and highlights points of differentiation that are specific, concrete and action oriented.

The outcomes of this framework inform global creative content activation strategies, ensuring that messaging is not just aspirational but also actionable and authentic. These strategies are tailored for global reach with local relevance. But it is critical that all of this is made simple and organized for global roll-out.

Branded Candidate Experiences (BCX)

Enter BCX, a data-driven approach designed to drive success by maximizing EVP-led content activations across the candidate ecosystem. BCX optimizes every interaction with potential talent, enhancing brand resonance and efficiency while driving down the cost per hire.

Strategic Framework and Candidate Journey Mapping

To ensure resonance and connection with diverse global talent, a strategic framework is employed, using candidate journey mapping. This approach builds experiences that are branded and mapped to the needs of key candidate segments throughout their candidate journey.

Career Site as the Experience Hub

Finally, the career site acts as the central hub for all branded experiences. It’s not just a repository of job listings; it’s the culmination of the journey’s narrative. The career pages are intimately connected to the moments that drive candidates to the site, each page meticulously crafted to convey the company’s culture, values and opportunities.

Integration for a Seamless Experience

All these elements are woven together within One Platform to create a seamless and cohesive candidate experience. From the moment a potential candidate learns about the company, through the stages of attraction and application, to the final acceptance and onboarding, One Platform ensures that the candidate’s journey is not just a series of steps, but a narrative that unfolds, resonating with their personal career aspirations and the company’s vision. This integrated approach ensures that the candidate’s experience is not only branded consistently but is also personalized and impactful, fostering a strong employer brand and a compelling proposition to both current and future talent.

About Russell Miyaki

Russell Miyaki, Senior Vice President, Creative Services leads Radancy’s global team of creative and brand development professionals. Russell, a hands-on creative, takes his renowned talents to lead Radancy into the next generation of digital, social and mobile solutions for our global clients. His vision, passion and unparalleled commitment to innovation is the driving force behind Radancy’s current and future creative offerings.

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