JenniferBartus Author

Jennifer Bartus has been working in HR technology for more than 20 years. In her role at Radancy she is teamed with clients, sales, and account service, along with product development and engineering to help ensure Radancy's solutions are meeting the needs of customers. When not working on the future of Radancy's products, she enjoys living in and doing all things Boston. As a Massachusetts native she does not pahk her cah in Hahvahd Yahd, she knows you’d likely incur a hefty fine if you tried.

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Sleuthing Out Better Candidates Via CRM

Data-Driven Intelligence, End-to-End Engagement| Views: 2272

If you’re like me and you spend an inordinate amount of time watching and reading crime stories (yeah, I’m one of those types), you’ve seen experts scrutinize suspects based...

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Is Self Service a Good Option for My Career Site?

End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 10831

Your career site is the shining star of your recruitment marketing initiatives. It’s what draws in candidates and gets them excited about working for you. You put so much energy...

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