John Elstad Author

John Elstad is SEO Director for Radancy. He’s experienced a lot in his 10+ years of online marketing, but still has a passion to learn something new every day. When John isn’t trying to move up the organic search rankings or distilling analytics, he's usually on the golf course or enjoying a tea party with his three little girls.

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‘Google for Jobs’ Quality Control Guidelines Part 2: What Does the Data Say?

Candidate Experience, Trends| Views: 2831

Last month, I wrote a blog post digging into Google’s Quality Control Guidelines around Google for Jobs, and how effective they have been over the past six months or so. To...

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‘Google for Jobs’ Quality Control Guidelines: Are They Working?

Candidate Experience, Expertise & Innovation, Uncategorized| Views: 3879

When Google announced their Quality Control Guidelines in summer of 2021, I recall experiencing a combination of relief, excitement and optimism for the future. This was an issue...

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How to Find Job Seekers Who Aren’t Seeking Jobs: Part 2

Candidate Experience, End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation, SEO & SEM| Views: 3934

If you have somehow reached this page but haven’t read the first part of this post yet, I urge you to do so for better overall context. To give the “quick recap of last...

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How to Find Job Seekers Who Aren’t Seeking Jobs: Part 1

Candidate Experience, End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation, SEO & SEM| Views: 4388

The term “passive job seeker” is one that we all know well. It’s one thing to grab the attention of a candidate who’s explicitly looking for a particular type of job, but...

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The Value of SEO in this New Era of Work

End-to-End Engagement, SEO & SEM, Trends| Views: 3787

I remember coming out of college back in the Mid-2000s and starting that first “real-job” job search in Chicago after working in college and gaining some experience in...

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