John Elstad Author

John Elstad is SEO Director for Radancy. He’s experienced a lot in his 10+ years of online marketing, but still has a passion to learn something new every day. When John isn’t trying to move up the organic search rankings or distilling analytics, he's usually on the golf course or enjoying a tea party with his three little girls.

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Update: Google for Jobs Paid Ads Discontinued: What It Means for Your Pay-Per-Click Job Advertising 

Artificial Intelligence, Expertise & Innovation, Trends| Views: 3172

As part of my role as Solutions Marketing Manager – Digital Optimization at Radancy, I am continually working with our career sites and Google for Jobs primarily from the...

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Bing Rebrands ChatGPT Integration as “Copilot” – What It Means for Your Career Site

Artificial Intelligence, Expertise & Innovation, Trends| Views: 3473

Google tends to suck up a lot of oxygen when it comes to big news in the search space, but when it comes to the world of Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft has made some big moves...

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Google’s Generative AI Search for Talent Acquisition

Artificial Intelligence, Trends| Views: 17273

“I’ve always thought of AI as the most profound technology humanity is working on. More profound than fire, electricity, or anything that we have done in the past…We are...

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How You Can Use ChatGPT’s AI to Accelerate Career Site Content Creation 

Artificial Intelligence, Trends| Views: 4342

I’m old enough to remember going on road trips with my parents and pulling out the large state-by-state map that lived in the car. The whole family ogled it to figure out where...

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Top 10 Things to Consider When Building a Career Site Page

Career Site, Data-Driven Intelligence, End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 4518

Bill Gates wrote an article called ‘Content is King’ on Microsoft’s website back in 1996, which began with,  “Content is where I expect much of the real money will be...

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