The Scoop: Recruitment Trends & Industry Insights | October 2018

Trends| Views: 3019

Here is your October guide to the latest in recruitment trends, technology, and industry insights! Each month, we highlight the biggest news affecting the industry, and we’ll explain what to expect as new trends continue to emerge.


Piper Jaffray recently released its 36th semi-annual Generation Z survey of more than 8,600 U.S. teens containing insights about their engagement on social networking and entertainment platforms, among other things.

This generation grew up in a much more evolved digital landscape, and their engagement preferences reflect that reality. As talent acquisition strategies expand beyond Millennials to include this audience, here are some insights to consider:

  • The shift in male wallet allocation towards video games (new survey peak) is still ongoing.
  • 45% of teens say “Brand” is most important in making a purchase vs. 33% six years ago.
  • Instagram is now the top social platform for teens (edging above Snapchat); FB still declining.


Beyond hiring the next generation of talent, another top-of-mind challenge for many employers is how to combat the low national employee engagement rate (roughly 30%), especially at a time when unemployment is at an all-time low.

However, data shows that despite the favorable economic conditions, employers are not increasing wages, which is a factor of consideration for some employees who leave their current role for an opportunity at another company.


In case you haven’t heard (see above), unemployment rate is at an all-time low. Yet still the trend towards “job hopping” hasn’t diminished. So, it’s no surprise to see LinkedIn expand its offering with the purchase of Glint, a startup that provides employment engagement services for businesses and other organizations.

We expect to see more companies moving towards providing end-to-end talent engagement services.


While currently only on beta, Bing is offering profile targeting that leverages LinkedIn data – Company, Job Function and Industry – for search campaigns on the Bing Ads platform.


Google Maps is introducing a new way for users to follow and receive the latest news from their favorite brand stores.

With the coming holiday season, recruitment marketing teams could leverage this new feature as an additional promotional channel to support hiring initiatives, hiring events, and other updates.



About Jahkedda Akbar Mitchell

Jahkedda has many years of experience providing strategic guidance, data, and insights on job-seeker trends in support of Radancy and its clients. She has also worked in-house on the candidate attraction team for a large fortune 500 company. Jahkedda has a passion for psychology and storytelling; understanding why we do what we do and how to change behaviors...only using her powers for good. Jahkedda is a member of Radancy Labs: a design thinking focused innovation lab.

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