This is the thought leadership blog of Radancy, the global leader in talent acquisition technologies. Here you'll find the newest thinking and insight within the digital talent acquisition, recruiting and employer brand spaces.

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Programmatic Recruitment: Automated Applicant Sourcing Across the Web

Data-Driven Intelligence, Programmatic| Views: 1790

Reach the right candidate with the right ad at the right time Technology is advancing. The advertising industry is no exception to this fact as it constantly evolves into a whole...

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Recruitment Marketing to Graduates, from a Graduate

End-to-End Engagement| Views: 2491

Entering the workforce is scary but inevitable. Most of us are just finishing our degrees with majors in what we thought we wanted to do, only to find out that our careers cannot...

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What We Learned About the #FutureofWork from SXSW 2017

Trends| Views: 2949

From artificial intelligence and conversational chat bots to VR and diversity hiring apps, Craig Knutson from TMP Worldwide’s Innovation Lab recaps the emerging trends defining...

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Recruitment Analytics: How Data Helps To Achieve Better Results

Data-Driven Intelligence, Programmatic| Views: 1164

What gets measured, gets improved – Peter Drucker Not long ago, the concept of “data analytics” was foreign to the field of recruitment. Nowadays, it is a crucial skill for...

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Internal Communications Positive Impact on Company Culture

End-to-End Engagement| Views: 2966

In today’s business culture, thoughtful employee communication often gets overlooked. Strategy and tactics surrounding corporate communications are frequently ignored, as...

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