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What the Super Bowl Commercials Can Teach Us About Employer Branding

End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 3157

For football fans, the Super Bowl is the most anticipated game of the year, where people across the United States and world gathered around their TV screens yesterday to find out which team will be crowned the season’s NFL champion. For most of us, the Super Bowl is always a must-watch experience to find out which commercials everyone will be talking about. The commercials in yesterday’s game were nothing different – they provided more excitement and memorable advertisements than ever before.

A lucrative advertising slot at the Super Bowl is a huge investment for brands looking to benefit from the millions of viewers that tuned in to watch the game. However, brands looking to focus on recruitment marketing and employer branding don’t turn to creating major TV commercials to attract talent.

So how can your organization make your employer brand memorable? In order to find the best-fit talent to attract and retain, you wouldn’t want your brand to seem lackluster. What are you doing to make your employer brand effective and unforgettable to your target audience?

Here’s what we learned from last night’s commercials that will inspire you to kick off your employer brand strategy this year:

  • Deliver an authentic employment experience: The ultimate goal of a great employer brand is to let the job seeker know what your company stands for. In several ads, this year was noticeably different as we saw how brands used honest, inspiring, and clear messaging to illustrate the type of talent they would hire. You don’t need to attract everyone, just those who understand and support your vision.
  • Differentiate your content: One thing we noticed this year is that brands took a chance with their content – from emotional and provocative ads, to silly and humorous – they used various forms of content to attract audiences. Stop looking at what your competitors are doing and think about your target market – who are you trying to attract and retain? Incorporate that into your strategy and don’t forget to use social media, your career website, and content, to share your message and tell YOUR story.
  • Dare to be different: Every organization wants to be unique when communicating their story, but how often do you find yourself getting wrapped up in day-to-day work that your “one-of-a-kind” strategy falls in the cracks? Audi decided to look beyond their product to focus on equal pay with their message of “What do I tell my daughter?” By stepping outside of their comfort zone, they ended up being one of the most talked about commercials and sparked a larger conversation around a major social issue.
  • Take a lesson from marketers: As your company builds and refines its employer brand strategy, learn from your fellow marketers, including consumer marketing. Marketing professionals have mastered the art attracting the right audience to their product/service/technology or whatever else they’re trying to promote. Take your marketing colleagues out to lunch or coffee and ask them about their successes and failures when building strategies to reach their target market.

To understand employer brand, don’t assume you know. Get inspired from outside influences, reach out to various resources, stop being comfortable and take your organization’s employer brand to the next level!

About TMP Worldwide

Radancy is a global leader in talent acquisition technologies, committed to finding new ways to leverage software, strategy and creative to build talent and enhance our clients' employer brands – across every connection point.

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