Data-Driven Intelligence

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Five Things to Think About When Choosing Your Recruitment Marketing Partner

Data-Driven Intelligence, End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 2376

The right recruitment marketing partner understands the importance of a CRM that easily allows your talent acquisition team to manage and communicate with your prospective...

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Is Your Career Site on HTTPS? Google Thinks It Should Be

Data-Driven Intelligence| Views: 2944

Sometimes, technological innovation requires a little bit of force to get people on board. Remember when Apple started to remove the disc drive from their MacBooks? That is...

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Wage Wars: The Rise of Minimum Wage Across the U.S.

Data-Driven Intelligence, Programmatic| Views: 1022

Minimum wage is on a rise. This piece is a summary of: context regarding the minimum wage debate its legal basis its impact on different groups of the U.S. population and an...

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The Labor Market Is a Black Box

Data-Driven Intelligence, Programmatic| Views: 1257

Education is important. Particularly in the labor market. But sometimes education gets confounded with certification. No Idea How to Evaluate Low-Skilled Workers Last...

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The Employment Report 10/2015 – Labor Force Participation at Historic Low

Data-Driven Intelligence, Programmatic| Views: 1236

Oh boy, last month the U.S. economy exceeded expectations. The BLS October ’15 Report Outlines Key Developments: 271,000 new jobs have been added Hourly...

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