This is the thought leadership blog of Radancy, the global leader in talent acquisition technologies. Here you'll find the newest thinking and insight within the digital talent acquisition, recruiting and employer brand spaces.

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How Can You Improve Your Candidate Relationship Strategy with Technology?

Trends| Views: 4213

Clients often tell me that their candidate or talent relationship marketing (sometimes called CRM) isn’t getting the “expected results.” Note: In this article, and for the...

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3 Ways to Stand Out in a Candidate-Driven Labor Market

End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 3286

Last week we launched our Guide to Creating Candidate Personas and we examined how they can help you attract and retain top talent. The takeaway? Understanding candidates is...

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A Guide to Creating Candidate Personas – Download Your Free eBook

End-to-End Engagement, Expertise & Innovation| Views: 2848

Looking to hire new talent? Look first at your own employees. The characteristics, skills and backgrounds of your best performers provide important insights into what types of...

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Recruitment Cost: Proper Evaluation of Advertising Budgets

Data-Driven Intelligence, Programmatic| Views: 1174

Recruitment cost can quickly get out of hand when not properly measured and analyzed. Bad practices and false assumptions lead recruiters to wrong decisions. In this post, we take...

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Competing for Talent? Check Your Benefits

End-to-End Engagement| Views: 3337

With the national unemployment rate at 4.4 percent, the competition for talent is on a high boil. One of the best ways to attract top talent is to design a competitive benefits...

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