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Don’t Let Flashy Tools Eclipse Your Hiring Goals

See what we did there? By now you’ve heard that today, the United States will experience the first coast-to-coast solar eclipse in 99 years. What does that have to do with talent acquisition? Science-wise, not much. But metaphorically, we’ve all been blinded by the latest and greatest new tools, only to have them stand in the way of our actual hiring goals.

How can you protect your time and money (and eyes) when it comes to your talent acquisition investment? Before you begin, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why are you making this change?
  2. What do your audience and users need?
  3. How will this tool solve their problems?
  4. How will you measure ROI?
  5. How often will you track progress?
  6. How will you prove it’s been successful?
  7. What kind of commitment is needed on your part?
  8. Do you have the bandwidth to make this a worthwhile effort?
  9. Who is on the dedicated support team?
  10. Does the team have experience in your market?

Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone, but be sure to do it armed with all the answers to your questions.

Learn about some of the hottest recruitment tech trends and decide if they are right for the individual needs of your organization. Register for our webinar on Wednesday, 8/23, presented by Nathan Perrott, Director of Digital Strategy at AIA Worldwide.

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