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Google Becomes a Storyteller While Recruiters Make a Friend

End-to-End Engagement, Recruitment Marketing| Views: 3750

If you consider that more than 80% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2020 will be video content, that is a deluge of potential incoming apply clicks – if you have video to reach candidates.

From Snapchat and Instagram Stories, to Facebook Live and Twitter’s Periscope, usage of video content abounds. And now, Google is getting into the mix with its latest iteration of AMP pages.

AMPs – short for “accelerated mobile pages” – are mobile versions of websites that have stripped-down HTML to download much faster, which is good for all those impatient users of content that yell at microwaves to hurry up with the mac & cheese.

A recent announcement shares that these pages are about to accommodate video content, searchable within search engine results pages (SERPs) all over Google. The AMP Stories will be used to instantly tap through news stories, most of which are heavy with images and video. Because of how AMP Stories will be made, they can be indexed and rendered instantly by Google, unlike their video storytelling, social contemporaries.

Suddenly, you’re more interested in making video to help you reach candidates, right? Imagine a video highlighting your corporate culture on Google, with a clean, inviting SERP of its own. First, a req gets that. Then, a job description. And now, a video of that job. It’s first-page euphoria!

Considering this news, ask yourself (or your friendly recruitment marketing agency) the following questions about how your company can use video:

  • Have you used a video within your job description?
  • Do you feature videos about your positions or brand at hiring events?
  • When was the last time you updated your onboarding videos?
  • Does your corporate YouTube channel have a playlist dedicated to talent acquisition?
  • Has your CEO or CHRO ever made a vlog (video blog) greeting future hires on your career site?

And if not, why not? If you haven’t considered how video can have a dramatic effect on your recruiting efforts, now is the time. With Google’s AMP Project now entering the world of stories, what do you think candidates will click on first when they get on page one? Make it your req, with a recognizable video story leading the way.

About Shawn Paul Wood

Shawn Paul Wood is a director of client strategy based out of Radancy’s Dallas/Fort Worth office. By ensuring each client is progressive and proactive with digital reach, optimized content, and strategic execution, he continues to help the DFW team provide stellar client experiences (and all-around positive mojo). Prior to landing at Radancy, Shawn Paul was a global digital strategist, national voice-over artist, regional radio personality and news director, and a local copywriting director. Aside from that eclectic mix, he’s a homebody who has a penchant for Twitter.

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