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5 Inspiring Places to Write This Summer for People Who Hate Writing and Being Indoors

End-to-End Engagement| Views: 2997

There’s no perfect time and place to write. But think of the blogs and authors you follow that regularly produce great content. They don’t have superpowers; they are just people making time for something they believe in. They understand that content is the key to building authenticity and credibility among candidates and clients. You’ve heard this before, right? But you’re still staring at a half-written draft on your desktop.

This summer, everything changes. We’ve compiled five of our favorite places to write outdoors so you don’t have to sacrifice the sun for productivity. Whether you have 5 minutes or 50, these locales will leave you feeling inspired.

1. In a Hammock

The next time you find yourself in a hammock, congratulate yourself. You’ve done something right. Then, start brainstorming your blog post. Think back to some of the most recent questions you’ve been asked by your clients. Pick one and answer it thoroughly. Chances are if one person has that question, others in the industry have the same one. If you can provide a helpful and well-researched answer, you’ll be a king in your hammock throne.

2. On a Porch

Spending a week at the beach? You’ll have plenty of downtime, and that 20,000-piece puzzle isn’t going anywhere. Let the sound of the gently crashing waves lull you into a Zen state and start typing. One great way to connect with readers is to use anecdotes and metaphors that relate back to your topic. Putting a 20,000-piece puzzle together is like building a recruitment marketing strategy: All the pieces have to fit together or you don’t have a complete picture. Also, the sky’s literally the limit.

3. At a Baseball Game

Speaking of metaphors, is there any greater well to draw from than sports? Whether it’s a slam dunk or someone dropped the ball, there’s a lot of vivid language you can borrow from the world of sports. Just make sure you don’t lean too heavily on the sports almanac or you’ll risk losing your unique angle. Write down ideas for metaphors when they pop up but keep an eye out for fly balls – you‘re at a baseball game, after all.

4. On Your Lunch Break

Grab a notebook, take your lunch outside, and leave your phone at your desk; the emails will be there when you return. Try spending some time people-watching, then write down your observations and turn that into a blog post. You work in recruitment, so people are at the heart of everything you do. Where does your specific expertise lie? If you’re a recruiter, think about where you’ve had success attracting candidates. Is it a tool, an approach, a new market? Maybe you’re an HR professional who recently implemented a successful employee referral program. What new information can you offer the community to enrich and inform?

5. On a Patio at Happy Hour

Use that awkward lull in conversation to benefit your blog post. Have the group vote on which headline they like best or have them expand on one you wrote. You’ve got a captive audience, as long as you run your experiment early in the night. One of the best things you can do for your writing is to share it with someone else. They can offer objective feedback you may be too close to see yourself.

Want to learn how to craft a message that attracts candidates? Download our webinar, How to Ensure Your Job Candidates Receive a Quality Experience.

About Radancy

Radancy is the leading cloud-based talent acquisition software provider intelligently solving the most critical challenges for enterprises globally and delivering cost-efficient outcomes that strengthen their organizations. The Radancy Talent Acquisition Cloud, powered by rich data and deep industry insights, optimizes the entire candidate journey, enabling enterprises to hire the most qualified talent faster, while reducing costs and driving higher ROI, recruiter efficiency and an improved candidate experience.

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